The Marinis Monthly Memo is the CCS communication outreach to keep our community informed of the many different aspects and events happening because of the generous and continued support we receive. I also want families to be aware of the good reasons for enrolling their children with us to experience an exceptional education. As we begin the enrollment process for the fast-approaching 2021-2022 school year, there are a plethora of great things happening.
St. Wendelin Parish community gifted the high school with a set of Stations of the Cross that are now mounted on the second floor. The Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation are being celebrated with the parishes after hours of preparation with 2nd grade and 8th-grade students. Bishop Daniel Thomas will visit the school in April and conference with the seniors. Our Spiritual Director has scheduled Penance Services, masses and retreats as the students continue to deepen their faith formation.
Intermediate students experienced the process and competition of the Spelling Bee and three winners will compete in Toledo. The Primary students celebrated the 100th day of school in several ways, including dressing to show their idea of being 100 years old and writing about what they will be doing at that age!
National Honor Society students have been active with a Valentine carnation sale and a raffle for a gift basket. Student council members continue to plan unique activities for the academy and high school. The juniors have been active in preparing for the Junior-Senior Prom. Esports team members opened practices for improving strategy and preparation skills as they schedule future competitions. And seniors will be attending the Kairos Retreat at the end of the month.
Contributions continue to build the Annual Fund in support of school expenses, and the Spring Cookie Sale was a great success. Thank you for your generous support!
With registration through Final Forms beginning March 15th, I invite you to check us out. We schedule Shadow Days and interviews for anyone wishing to join our journey to success.
Dr. Jeremy Marinis
Head of School
Calvert Catholic Schools